Custom Prints

Custom Printed Skateboard Wall Art

Custom Prints

Looking for a custom print? We've made it simple. 

Our custom prints are:

  • 3x deck set - $300USD if the file is supplied
  • 1x deck - $150USD if the file is supplied

If any designing is required we offer design fees starting at $30. Prices include the board(s), wall mounts & screws and shipping.

If you'd like to supply your own design please send it via Dropbox, Google Drive or any other link-share transfer to If you'd like to have your own design made, please send the details to and we'll get in touch. 

Specifications for supplying your own designs:

Vertical boards - 8100pxW x 9900pxH 
Horizontal boards - 9900pxW x 8100pxH
CMYK colour (RGB is accepted but will automatically be converted)
300dpi - file size less than 100mb

Once we receive your file we will upload it to a board for you to check out, at which point you can purchase it direct from our website.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at